

For students: I am happy to supervise research projects related to insight, problem solving and magic. Here’s a list of previous projects:

„Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bilingualität, exekutiven Funktionen und der Leistung beim Lösen von Einsichtsproblemen” (2021; Masterarbeit, MSB Medical School Berlin)

„Effects of mind-wandering versus mindfulness on insight problem solving“ (2018; Bachelor’s thesis in Psychology, Universität Heidelberg)

“Manipulating Aha! experiences: Does expectation of difficulty affect the joy of discovery?” (2017; Capstone Project for Honors College, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

„Sudden representational change toward a correct solution and the Aha! experience“ (2016; Summer Research Opportunities Program, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

„Analyzing the Aha! moment through various dimensions“ (2016; Capstone Project for Honors College, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

„Children’s emotional experience of expectation violations through magic tricks“ (2015; Master’s thesis in Psychology, LMU)

„Dimensions of insight: The relationship between the subjective Aha! experience and the cognitive process of representational change“ (2013; Bachelor’s thesis in Psychology, LMU)

„How to trigger insight – guiding to and through an impasse“ (2013; Term paper in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology, LMU)

„The influence of sleep on insight in a magic trick paradigm“ (2012; Bachelor’s thesis in Psychology, LMU)